The Huntingwood Trail (West Lands) are the 21-hectare portion of the larger 5 Silver Creek Drive property, which lies to the south of Highway 26 West between the Silver Glen Preserve condominium development on the east and the Forest Subdivision on the west (as seen below, number 37).
This residential development application is presently under appeal at the Ontario Land Tribunal after having been appealed to the OMB some 10 years ago. The file was closed by Town Council for failure to bring a revised proposal to the Town within the required timeframe, and this is the basis of the current appeal. Residential development is permitted on the part of the Huntingwood Trail (West Lands) that is not constrained by natural heritage features, such as wetlands, woodlands, valley lands and fish habitat, and is restricted to single and semi- detached homes with a capped maximum density. Development is not permitted on significant environmental features, yet can be allowed adjacent to those features if it can be
demonstrated that there are no negative impacts. The applications currently in play are not answering the question of ‘if development should be permitted’ but rather ‘how should development occur on the residentially designated lands following good planning principles, and in compliance with Conservation Authority requirements’.
The decision on the applications now rests with the Tribunal, not Town Council. Town Council must endorse any settlement prior to it being brought to the Tribunal.
Read about Friends Of The Silver Creek Wetlands response here.