We love Collingwood and The Blue Mountains area for its natural beauty. 

Yet we are digging it up and paving it over.

As of March 2023 there are plans for 6,100+ new units in the area.

This is YOUR chance to do something about it.

Join The Blue Mountain Watershed Trust as we fight to preserve our natural spaces and waterways.

Make this your WATERSHED MOMENT.

Join us or make a donation at

#ourwatershedmoment #climate #collingwood #BMWT #nature #baddevelopment #bluemountain #georgianbay #earth #earthday 
escarpment_ca @pollanator @collingwoodclimateactionteam
On Saturday April 22nd, 2023 The Blue Mountain Watershed Trust and the Town of Collingwood will embrace our love for the planet by celebrating Earth Day!

How will you celebrate the planet? ❤

Hold the date! 

Date: Saturday Apr 22nd, 2023
Date: 10 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: TBD
Leave a "Yes" below if you support repealing Bill 23. 👇 We are all in this together. ❤️

To learn how Blue Mountain Watershed Trust is protecting our natural spaces in Blue Mountain watch  the Penny Skelton Show starting Sunday Feb 19th.

#nature  #collingwood #silvercreekwetlands #nature #collingwoodclimateaction #greenbelt #capatalisim #wetlands #Bill23 #developers #urbanlife #ProtectWetlands #pennyskeletonshow #rogerscommunitytv
Tag someone that needs to see this 👇 How will you change the world? ❤️

To learn how Blue Mountain Watershed Trust is doing our best to fight Bill 23-watch the Penny Skelton Show starting Sunday Feb 19, 2023.

#climatechange #bmwt #globalimpact #flood #cyclonegabrille #watershed #science #humanityfirst #humanrights #nature #deforestation
World: 🌍 > 🔥 
You: How can I make a difference? 🦸🏾‍♀️ 
Also you being a hero: Share this post, get involved, donate! 🕊️

Make @gretathunberg proud by protecting your local wetlands! 🍃

Wetland restoration benefits us in multiple ways, here’s 7 of them:

✅ Revive biodiversity
✅ Improve water supply 
✅ Store carbon
✅ Reduce extreme weather 
✅ Improve livelihoods
✅ Boost eco-tourism
✅ Enhance well-being

#GenerationRestoration #ForWetlands #Watershedtrust #BMWT #nature #collingwood #georgianbay #thornbury #wasaga #bluemountain. #advocacy #education 

#POTW: Collingwood Terminals Under A Rainbow  For more than six decades, the historic Collingwood Terminals helped to transfer prairie wheat from ships to trains and later trucks. Construction of the Collingwood Grain Terminals started in December 1928 when 4,078 wooden piles were driven into the lake bed to create a foundation for this landmark structure.

Whether you believe they are a gateway to the past or a white elephant, they are arguably the region's most recognized, photographed and beloved landmarks and an important reminder of Collingwood's 100-year shipbuilding past. 
Photo Credit:  Duncan Bristow  #nature #georgianbay #collingwoodontario #bluemountains #ontariotravel
A true White Beauty
The Collingwood area is so fortunate to be home to many beautiful White Swans and their cygnets.  Amongst the largest flying birds, swans gracefully glide over our Georgian Bay waters with their cygnets always close behind. 
Photo Credit:  Jeff Young

Please keep sending your pictures including the location, your thoughts and your website or Instagram to #photooftheweek
May 1st brings Mayflowers! #photooftheweek
One of the most beautiful signs of spring is the Mayflower. It is most commonly found in rocky pastures, barren lands and grassy areas where the soil is acidic and well drained. These ones were found on the Kolopore Uplands Trails in The Blue Mountains.  Photo Credit and Commentary:  Duncan Bristow

Please keep sending your pictures including the location, your thoughts and your website or Instagram to
On your next 'daily walk' why not snap a nature pic? Send us your pics and be featured on our IG and FB pages + our weekly email! 
Already have some great nature photos? Send 'em our way. 
Please submit to (our fantastic new Photo of the Week coordinator Morag McKenzie). No professional camera necessary - we love phone pics too 🌿
Signs of Spring #photooftheweek 
One of the first signs of Spring are the beautiful crocuses pushing up through our gardens in Collingwood and its surrounding areas. I can't wait to see them in my garden soon!

Photo Credit: @jeffwhitephotocanada 
Have you been out with your cameras capturing our gorgeous surroundings here in the Land of the Escarpment? Creatures? Flowers? Waterways? The Bay in her many moods? Please share your camera's eye view and send your photo, the location, and your website or Instagram if you have one to
#photooftheweek An Icy Blue Mountain
Looking back at April 2019's ice storm from the top of Blue Mountain. I can't wait for Spring this year!

Photo Credit: Jeff White. 
Your Nature Photo of the Week, compliments of the Blue Mountain Watershed Trust (BMWT) 
Dear Members and Friends of the Watershed Trust: BMWT is so excited to relaunch the Nature Photo of The Week for all to enjoy!  My name is Morag McKenzie and I have joined your team as the Photo Coordinator.  Have you been out with your cameras capturing our gorgeous surroundings here in the Land of the Escarpment? Creatures? Waterways? The Bay in her many moods? Please share your camera's eye view and send your photo, the location, and your website or Instagram if you have one to
Introducing Pollinate Collingwood, an organization aiming to get Bee City Canada certification and become Butterflyway Ranger status.

With 10-12 pollinator gardens planned and plants already ordered, this group is a growing concern! 

Join the first pulic group meeting on Thursday, March 12, 7pm at the Free Schools Room at the Collingwood Library. 

Get involved!
~ Make A Difference In The Place You Call Home ~
Today is #GivingTuesday!
Giving Tuesday is a global movement for giving and volunteering, taking place each year after Black Friday. The “Opening day of the giving season,” it’s a time when charities, companies and individuals join together and rally for favourite causes.

Donate today, give a membership to a loved one, volunteer with us!
Fight the Phrag Saturday, August 24th 👋
Come out & join the community coming together to fight this unwelcome shoreline invader. Visit our Facebook page>events for more info.
This is an Algonquin wolf, one of many species in Ontario identifies as ‘at risk’ by the endangered species act. Ontario is home to over 30,000 species with 243 being at risk due to climate change, disease, habitat loss, invasive species, and pollution. 
The Ontario government is proposing changes to the endangered species act, irresponsibly veiled as a “consultation to improve the effectiveness of our environmental protections to ensure a balanced approach between a healthy environment and a healthy economy” “It is becoming a pattern with this government to hear, once again, that Ontario’s most sensitive and valuable environments are being offered to the highest bidder.” -Simcoe County Greenbelt Coalition

Read more here: *link in bio
Embrace the cold! There’s still lots to enjoy outside during this late winter freeze ⛄️
#photooftheweek Bald eagle comeback 
This immature Bald Eagle near Brentwood is part of a growing population since its endangered status in the 1970s. Back then due to DDT & other contaminants, only 3 to 8 pairs remained in Southern Ontario and could not successfully produce young. While the ban of DDT allowed the species to regain numbers, around our Great Lakes they suffered longer because of the contaminated fish. According to the Ontario Bald Eagle Management Plan, “As a top predator feeding primarily upon fish, the Bald Eagle is extremely sensitive to persistent chemical contaminants in aquatic systems that biomagnify through the food chain and concentrate in top predators.” Today the Bald Eagle is celebrated sight as they are still a ‘Special Concern’ in Ontario, but the numbers are recovering!
Photo Credit: Cameron Powell
Eastern Wild Turkeys are Newcomers
Eastern wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo silvestris) have only been reintroduced to Ontario since 1984. The original pre-settlement wild turkey was extirpated by 1909 due to loss of habitat with farming and over-hunting. 
These 5 turkeys circled around our pond bank before checking out the edge of the grass seen here in the centre of the photo. We see many flocks of dozens around the uplands of Blue Mountains but never had we seen these 5 grand-daddies & grand-mamas before-- see the size of these giant turkeys in comparison to the chair beside them! #photooftheweek
Egypt, Blue Mountains
Photo Credit: Andrea Matrosovs
A little late but everyday is a good day to remember...
Papaver rhoeas
The dormant seeds of Papaver rhoeas (common poppy,corn poppy, corn rose, field poppy, Flanders poppy or red poppy) are known to start growing in disturbed edges of farm fields, trenches and burial grounds.
Colour, life, renewal & remembrance.
11.11.18 #photooftheweek
Autumn Sunrise over the Escarpment
Explore the forests of the Niagara Escarpment with the online guidebook from the Bruce Trail Conservancy.  You can read about the different forest regions, types, layers & stages of forests, and use the full colour photos & descriptions to identify tree species.
South of Glen Huron
Photo Credit: Gary Cauthers 

#waterislife #watershedtrust #naturephotography #naturepics #donate #volunteer #charity #grassroots #collingwood #bluemountain ◦
Praying mantid
The praying mantid (Mantis religiosa) came from Europe by accident- first to New York in 1899 after which it spread to southern Ontario and Quebec.
Chuck Grant Trail of the Bruce Trail, Blue Mountains
Photo Credit: Chris Wright 

#waterislife #watershedtrust #naturephotography #naturepics #donate #volunteer #charity #grassroots #collingwood #bluemountain ◦
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