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Golf Course Pesticides 2023 results

(Submitted by WAG member Chris Mifflin) Golf courses are known for having perfect, weed-free turf. But this perfection comes at a price. Many kinds of grass on our local golf courses are not native to Ontario and require intense maintenance not only to stay green and lush but to ensure its [...]

2023-11-22T12:45:51-04:00November 21st, 2023|Categories: Golf Course Pesticides, Issues, News, Uncategorized|Tags: |

Letter to the Globe & Mail re: Pesticides.

Response from George Powell, Vice Chair Watershed Action Group to the Globe & Mail article: Canada to phase out most uses of pesticides linked to bee deaths by Eric Atkins published August 15, 2018 August 15, 2018 Dear Editor: Re: Canada to Restrict Use of Two Pesticides Article by Eric Atkins in Thursday’s [...]

2018-11-26T19:08:26-04:00August 27th, 2018|Categories: Golf Course Pesticides, News|Tags: |

We Met with the Local Golf Course Superintendents

We Met with the Local Golf Course Superintendents By George Powell and Eleanor Ward On April 10, members of the Watershed Action Group (WAG) and other members of Watershed Trust met with area golf course superintendents to discuss issues around water quality of local streams running through golf courses. Seven golf [...]

2018-11-26T19:15:49-04:00May 2nd, 2018|Categories: Golf Course Pesticides, News|Tags: |

Letter to NGOs: An Update on Our Work Addressing Class 9 Pesticides

Letter to NGOs: An Update on Our Work Addressing Class 9 Pesticides By Norman Wingrove This letter was widely distributed to partner NGOs and municipal groups to make them aware that the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) has repeatedly failed to properly address our Class 9 pesticide concerns (listed [...]

2018-11-26T20:42:16-04:00March 22nd, 2015|Categories: Golf Course Pesticides, News|Tags: |

Pesticides used on Golf Courses Need to be Better Tested and Controlled

Pesticides used on Golf Courses Need to be Better Tested and Controlled By George Powell and Don Gibson In December The Watershed Trust wrote to the Ontario Minister of the Environment, Jim Bradley, with respect to concerns we have with the Pesticide Act and regulation O. Reg. 63/09. We pointed out [...]

2018-11-26T20:55:11-04:00March 12th, 2013|Categories: Golf Course Pesticides, News|Tags: |
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