Be The Change Film Series Season 11

If you haven’t been to a Be The Change (BTC) movie, you’re missing out. These are engaging documentaries on environmental and social themes—they inspire us to ‘be the change’ that we want to see in the world. If you have joined us, thank you! We appreciate your support.

The BTC Film Series started in 2008 and just completed its 11th season. What a success! Our goal is to provide the audience with a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of some of the most important ecological and social justice issues facing the world. Our sponsors help us to do just that.

This year we would like to thank our title sponsor, Royal LePage Locations North, as well as Black Trike Creative, Blue Mountain Resorts, Blue Mountain Village Association, Classical 102.9FM, Collingwood Rock Shop, Conscious Water, Hensel Design Group, Outwrite! Communications, Rock Side Campbell Design and Sensor Technology. We couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you for your support.

In addition to thought-provoking movies, BTC provides a forum for discussion and a small marketplace for vendors, including Collingwood Collegiate’s GAIA Environmental Club, which sells organic popcorn and other treats.

What started as a partnership between Elephant Thoughts and the Blue Mountain Watershed Trust in 2008 is now a Watershed Trust-only enterprise. The funds we raise help us to continue operating each year. As a volunteer-only charity, we sometimes spend hundreds of thousands of dollars per year, but that money is raised through grants and fundraising and earmarked for specific programs. BTC funds float our operations, with any surplus going to programs like education efforts.

This year we are pleased to report that the BTC Film Series put over $8,500 in our coffers. We had close to 600 people watch our six films, each shown at 5.p.m. and 7:30 p.m. on Wednesdays in the fall and winter. We also had a number of patrons join the Watershed Trust as members (for the low, low cost of $30 per year).

What’s New for Season 12?

BTC12 will top every year so far. We’re planning on doing a few things differently:

  • Even better films, now running Sept-May!
  • Forums for film discussion post-screening
  • Eight films for $65
  • Go to to learn more and to purchase tickets for season 12!

By Carl Michener, member of Board of Directors