BMWT Marches Against Bill 23!

The Blue Mountain Watershed Trust continues our fight against Bill 23 and its plan to bulldoze our wetlands and green spaces,  joining the Protest Rally in Stayner on Saturday Nov 26th outside MPP  Brian Saunderson's office. Together with our sister environmental groups, we marched against Bill 23's plan to develop the Greenbelt and strip Nottawasaga Conservation Authority of the [...]

2023-08-03T11:20:07-04:00November 30th, 2022|Categories: Events, Uncategorized|Tags: , |

Please Join Us at our Be The Change Film Series!

Blue Mountain Watershed Trust’s (BMWT) 14th season of their Be The Change Film Series has gotten off to a fabulous start with six very inspiring environmental documentaries enjoy by audiences of up to 100 people at each! While all summer screens were held every other Tuesday under the stars at The [...]

Be The Change Season 14 kicks off!

The 14th season of Be The Change kicks off on Tuesday May 31st 2022 for another tremendous season outdoors at The Collingwood Brewery. We have a great lineup of films focusing on environmental advocacy and education…for the whole family! Screening times will change with the sunset. Bring a blanket or a chair, [...]

2023-08-03T11:10:24-04:00May 26th, 2022|Categories: Be the Change Film Series, Events, News|Tags: |

Collingwood See the Salmon Run Event Sat. Sept. 25

Major salmon migration event includes nature walk with conservation experts, gourmet food, FREE kids snack and edu-tainment! After a year’s hiatus, the Blue Mountain Watershed Trust’s See the Salmon Run event is back: on Saturday, September 25th. The Collingwood/Town of Blue Mountains event is a chance for people of all ages [...]

2023-08-03T11:40:23-04:00September 15th, 2021|Categories: Events, News, Salmon Run|Tags: , |

Be The Change Season 13 is here!

We are thrilled to announce that we have kicked off our 13th season of Be The Change. After too long of a break, we are delighted to bring back films focusing on environmental advocacy and education to Collingwood. This year, our summer film screenings will be happening outdoors at the [...]

2023-08-03T11:41:43-04:00August 28th, 2021|Categories: Events, Uncategorized|Tags: |

Info Session: Help us SAVE Escarpment wetlands – Video Recording

Gift certificate & charitable receipt Our info session was a great success—thank you to the 75+ who attended. Please see the video below for a replay of the 15-minute presentation and 45-minute Q&A that followed. For this final fight before the Environmental Review Tribunal, for their final decision on SR 26/27, [...]

2023-08-03T11:47:50-04:00January 12th, 2021|Categories: Events|Tags: , , |

Webinar on Development in the Collingwood / Blue Mountains Area

On Monday December 1st 2020, the Blue Mountain Watershed Trust held a webinar on local development in our area: What Does Development Mean to You? We had over 150 people sign up to attend and lots of great discussion. If you missed it, you can see it below. Discover how planning [...]

2020-12-18T11:53:46-04:00December 15th, 2020|Categories: Events|
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