Youth Summit For Mother Earth 2021

By Arlo White During the Youth Summit for Mother Earth I was honoured to be sponsored by Blue Mountain Watershed Trust to enjoy hearing guest speakers who taught us knowledge on the environment and indigenous communities and culture. The summit was a life changing experience. Everyday there were live workshops streaming [...]

2021-11-23T12:39:55-04:00November 23rd, 2021|Categories: Education, News, Uncategorized|

It’s hardly the place for a boat channel – George Powell speaks out in defense of our Wetlands

Click on the Link below for the article: ‘It’s hardly the place for a boat channel’: Collingwood environmental group critical of committee decision (

Our Youth Education Programs Continue

In December 2016 the Silver Creek stewardship Initiative Committee signed off on the last stages of our Ontario Trillium Foundation grant. One of the initiatives of the project was to expand environmental education in elementary schools in Collingwood and Thornbury through a working relationship with the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority, our [...]

2023-08-03T17:05:40-04:00November 1st, 2018|Categories: Current Newsletter, Education, News|Tags: |

Beaver Valley Community School Grade 7 & 8 students at Lions Park, Clarksburg

Beaver Valley Community School Grade 7 & 8 students at Lions Park, Clarksburg 86 Grade 7 & 8 students Partnership with GSCA Funded by the Town of the Blue Mountains' Susty Fund BMWT Volunteers partnered with Grey Sauble Conservation Authority Staff to deliver a program of tree identification, soil layer exploration, [...]

2018-11-26T22:17:16-04:00October 30th, 2018|Categories: Education, News|

Admiral Collingwood E.S. Grades 5 & 6

31 Grade 5 & 6 Students Partnership with NVCA Funded by Ontario Trillium Grant Focus: Biodiversity, animals plants What is a watershed? What is biodiversity/ an ecosystem and why do we care? My Silver Creek handout Endangered Species PowerPoint Endangered Species outdoor game

2018-11-26T22:25:50-04:00June 12th, 2018|Categories: Education|

We are Taking our Environmental Courses to the Local Elementary Schools again in 2018

We are Taking our Environmental Courses to the Local Elementary Schools again in 2018 By Blanka Guyatt, member of the Board and Watershed Action Group The BMWTF Education Committee has received money from The Blue Mountain’s Environmental Sustainability Fund. The $1000+ was matched by the Watershed Fund and these combined funds [...]

2018-11-15T01:39:44-04:00May 11th, 2018|Categories: Education, News|

Watershed Trust Wins NVCA Award

Watershed Trust Wins NVCA Conservation Champion Group Award On April 27, the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Association (NVCA) recognized the Blue Mountain Watershed Trust Foundation with the Conservation Champion Group Award at their Evening of Thanks at the Tiffin Centre in Utopia. Watershed Trust Board members (left to right) Eric Willis, [...]

2018-11-15T01:07:38-04:00May 5th, 2017|Categories: Education, News|
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