Introducing the Greta McGillivray Award

Before the film was presented, Watershed Trust Board member Christopher Baines introduced the newly-minted Greta McGillivray Award and delivered a heartfelt tribute to Greta, a local role model and change-maker celebrated for her conservation efforts. The Greta McGillivray Award was established to recognize inspiring young leaders following in her footsteps and creating meaningful change. If you know someone deserving of this recognition who can inspire others, please contact Christopher at Thank you to everyone for a great season, and see you in the fall!


BTC Season Finale: “Common Ground” Screening

Last night, Be the Change celebrated the conclusion of another highly successful season at the Simcoe Street Theatre. Before the film screening, we hosted a social event to express our gratitude to the sponsors and volunteers who make Be the Change possible. The season’s final film was the award-winning Common Ground, which explores the unjust practices that shaped our current farming system and highlights a growing movement of farmers adopting regenerative agriculture. The film emphasizes the shared mission to heal our soil, improve our health, and protect the planet.